Do you ever wish you could be a Lector at Mass?
A Catholic layperson who has received the sacraments of initiation--Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist, and if married, a valid sacramental marriage. A person who is willing to commit to serving in one of the most important offices in the Church. By prayerfully responding to God’s love and call, Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors are to be visible signs of faith, hope and love to all parishioners.
Parishioners 4th grade and older are welcome to serve as Alter Servers.
The Altar Server Ministry is a very special group of young people in our parish who have answered God's call to ministry. The altar server assists the Priest at Mass. Register to Train (link to a form)
Be a part of the Worship Team by singing in the choir! No experience is necessary, just a willing heart and the ability to match the pitch.
The choir meets every Friday from 6-7:00 pm
in the Juliet Samonte parish center. Sings
at our 9:00 am Classic service each Sunday.
For questions, please contact the office at